- Reduces chemical runoff and residues in drinking water, waterways and coastal areas. Runoff is the main cause of diminishing marine life, animals and plants.
- Restores soils for productive cropland and secure. Organic farming systems are based on the principle of land and soil regeneration and best environmental practice.
- Increases biodiversity and saves disappearing native animal habitats. For decades scientists worldwide have carried out studies with the clear conclusion that organic farming significantly supports biodiversity.
- Safeguards the integrity of food. Certified organic provides a guarantee that product has been grown, handled, packaged and distributed, avoiding risk of contamination of the product to the point of sale. Full traceability is maintained along the chain.
- Helps to ameliorate climate change. Agriculture is accused of being responsible for about 30 per cent of global warming due to CO2 emissions; however conversion to organic agriculture can: returns CO2 back into the soil in the form of humus. A 23-year research project shows that if only 1000 medium sized farms converted to organic production, the carbon stored in the soil would be equivalent to taking 117 to 440 cars off the road each year.
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.
- Avoids eating up to two kilograms of food additives every year. Many food additives have been linked with symptoms such as allergic reactions, rashes, headaches, asthma, growth retardation and hyperactivity in children.
- Avoids GMOs. Independent testing of the long-term health effects of GMO foods on humans has not been carried out.
- Lowers the incidence of neuro-development problems in children, perhaps including ADHD and autism. Abnormal neuro-development in children can be caused or be made worse by prenatal and early life exposures to pesticides and chemicals that contaminate our food.
Gives infants the nutrient building blocks they need for a healthy future. Ninety per cent of dairy and meat products from organic sources have been shown to increase levels of healthy fatty acids in breast milk. |