Dr Henry Chang
International Renowned Organic Researcher
N.D Naturopathy. Ph. D Philosophy
Dr Henry Chang earned his double-degree in Doctor of Naturopathy and Doctor of Philosophy and, for the past 26 years, has dedicated his life in the study of functional organic food research and development, organic farming, manufacturing and marketing.
In order to promote functional organic food and organic lifestyle to the world, the reputable organic researcher founded Organic United Nations Friendship Association (OUNFA) in 1994.
Dr. Henry Chang’s contributions and achievements have been recognized worldwide, constantly invited by organic pioneers all over the world to share his knowledge in Organic field.
Dr. Henry’s success and commitment have earned him the title as “The Father of Organic Theory, USA” and his life story has been collected in book “Get Organic with Dr. Henry”.
In year 2005, he was appointed by State Department of China as Chief Advisor for Organic Committee, State Department of China, and selected as one of the most influential Chinese from the United States of America by World Chinese Writers’ Society.
In year 2008, he was invited as a Guest Speaker for Organic World Congress organised by International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), held at Boston, USA.